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Artist Nachtmahr
Album Feuer Frei!!
Record Label Vendetta Music
Year 2007

Feuer Frei!! is the debut full-length album for Nachtmahr, the latest project from Thomas Rainer, also known for his projects L'ame Immortelle and Siechtum. The music falls somewhere between Feingflug, Heimataerde, and Virtual Embrace, though a bit more dance-friendly.

"Nachtmahr", the first track, is very anthemic, appropriately so, I suppose, as it is the name of the band. It lays down the template for the rest of the album: dance-friendly beats, with hard-driving beats, distorted vocals, and the must-have German vocal samples and raid sirens. While not entirely unique in its sound, Nachmahr makes Powernoise a bit more accessible with tracks like "Feuer Frei!", "Opferzeit", "Karussell", "Main Name", though there are still classic Powernoise tracks like "Leistung" and "Endzeitstimmung".

Feuer Frei!! is a full-on assault of the aural kind, intended to get your mind and body moving. March to your local music retailer and submit to Nachtmahr, mach schnell!

As of the writing of this review, Nachtmahr has released a follow-up EP, Katharsis, with remixes of the tracks "Katharsis", "Feuer Frei!", and a few additional tracks.


Rating 9 out of 10

Similar Artists
Feindflug , Heimataerde , Virtual><Embrace

Posted by Gunther @ 02/27/2012 07:44:51 am
Ich mag diese Musik hören, wenn ich meine Frühstückskost aus Getreide esse!
Posted by Amanda @ 09/26/2012 04:53:56 pm
Feuer Frei is awesome! I love Nachtmahr's music, and I made a tribute fan page to Nacthmahr and Thomas Rainer as a school project. Nachtmahr fans unite!

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